Associate Professor, Université Paris Cité & CNRS, INCC UMR 8002, Paris
Co-team leader Perception, Action, Cognition : Development and Plasticity Team
Since 2021, I have been appointed as an Associate Professor at Université Paris Cité, as a Researcher at the Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center (INCC). I aim to intertwine research and teaching as well as mentoring, as I believe both go hand in hand.
My research interests lie squarely within social cognition and focus on how experience shapes perception of the self and others.
I have pursued two main approaches to address these interests.
The first approach focuses on the impact of multisensory experience on action perception at the motor processing levels, as well as at the affective level. I used dance as a model for understanding how complex actions are learned and perceived, as dance enables us to focus on complex movement ”for movement’s sake”, without additional considerations of the instrumental goal or intention of a movement; but with an affective component.
The second approach explores how tactile experience shapes perception of self and others. The importance of touch is often neglected, but it is essential to development and social interactions. So just as much as action understanding is important for navigating our social world, so is touch.
What brings together my past, current, and future research is the investigation of the interaction between the body and multisensory experiences in understanding ourselves and others, while always taking into account how affect shapes perception.
To so, I combine behavioural, physiological and brain imaging methods, in typical young adults, as well in the elderly and neurological patients (especially after stroke).
Action Expertise
Affective perception and Neuroaesthetics
Affective and Social Touch
Multisensory integration
Self-Other Distinction and Body plasticity
Specialised Master Lectures (City University, UCL, Sorbonne Université): Bodily Self, Spatial Cognition, Brain plasticity
Master Lectures (Université Paris Cité) : Introduction to Neuroscience, Methods, Statistics
Undergraduate Lectures (Université Paris Cité, Paris 8, Bangor University): Cognitive Neuroscience, Vision, Social Cognition, Research Methods and Statistics
Specialised workshops : fMRI analyses, Initiation to Matlab (Bangor University, University College London)
Mentoring (BSc to PhD students)
PhD – Cognitive Neuroscience , Bangor University, UK
Title: “Shaping perception with experience: Insights from brain and behaviour”
Supervisors: Emily Cross and Paul Downing
Exam Board: Beatriz Calvo-Merino (City University) and Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University).
Diploma of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, ENS, Paris
Specialization: Biology and Cognitive Science
Master in Cognitive Neurosciences, 'Cogmaster' (Second year)
Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), EHESS and University Paris Descartes
Master in Biology, Specialization in Neuroscience (First year)
Ecole Normale Supérieure and University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
License of Science, specializing in Biology
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Preparatory classes in Biology (BCPST)
Lycée Henri IV, Paris